Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super Bowl Hangover Part Deux

So now for the actual game analysis...

First off for my casual readers that didn't really pay attention to the game.

Commercials were just meh; blah; shmeh. Didn't really do it for me. I did like the Doritos commercial with the dog and the bribing that was funny. I'm pissed I didn't get to see the Milwaukee Best commercial that only aired in East BumFuk where 3 people live. Nothing really stuck out for me.

Half time show was bad per usual and I didn't really pay attention to it but I know this guy killed it hands down. M.I.A. isn't cool for flipping the bird on stage she was only cool when she was rollin with Diplo. Madonna is old and veiny and we move on.

Now for those that paid attention. I can't really bring myself to watch it again and get real deep with this but I can give you a once over.

*Spikes missed that touchdown pass to Cruz (ps I still hate you) by about a pube length. He sorta just flailed at it praying to bat it down. Gotta find the ball and then attack the ball.

*4th quarter drops by the Patriots were unheard of. Of course the Welker drop/Brady bad throw, the Hernandez drop where he had room to run, and the Brach drop/Brady bad throw where he was going for another 20 yards. if he was hit in stride. I do have a theory for all these drops though. Brady used to be the best quarterback and could put the ball wherever he wanted to and do it on purpose. This postseason he just didn't have that; missing open receivers, not putting the ball on the right shoulder, not leading receivers etc. This offense had gotten so used to the ball being where they expected it to be. When that stops happening they aren't used to making those adjustments as frequently as they would have had to in the Super Bowl.

*I honestly think through the first 3 quarters, the Patriots offensive line held off JPP, Tuck, and Osi fairly well. The scheme they had gave Brady enough time to get rid of the ball. Then the 4th quarter happens and the Giants' defensive line busts through like TB12 was bangin all their girlfriends at the same time.

*Wilfork was a nonfactor all night getting double teamed like it was going out of style.

*That pick Brady through to a school teacher was not his fault. Escaping a sack ah la Eli '07 he looked up and found Gronk waving his hand around like a goon halfway down the field. Knowing he didn't have time to check other receivers for fear of JPP ravaging his bumhole he heaved it up and thought Gronk had a chance at it. Being only about 80%, Gronk lost that battle.

*How did the Patriots not recover a single fumble all night. This game came down to turnovers essentially. NY won 1-0 simple as that.

*Belichick nailed that coin toss and had the Patriots set up for a victory. Score going into the half and then have a chance to score again coming out fo the half. Nothing better than that.

*On the Giants' side of things, they just made the right plays at the right time, killed more of the clock than the Patriots did while they were ahead, and showed a diverse offense. Their front line matchups were adjusted by the second quarter and Eli got more time in the pocket to drop his passes in the right spots.

That's all I can fathom to write about the in-game side of this game. I'm still heartbroken over it. It sucks. I don't want to start watching the half NBA season. I'm not ready for the Beanpot (since I'm not Canadian). I still want to be popping bottles and get the VIP on Swole. Beggars can't be choosers.

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